2019 2019
2018 12
Juan Carlos Álvarez, awarded with the best postdoctoral presentation at "VI JORNADAS DE MEDICINA GENÓMICA Y ONCOLOGÍA DE GENYO". We are proud of your work, Carlos!


2018 11
Having fun at Young Oncologist Networking evening organized by the ASEICA.
Isabel and Maribel communications were selected by the scientific committee for oral presentation in the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (ASEICA) 2018 Meeting.
2018 11
Álvaro is awarded the special prize as the best visiting researcher in the prestigious Archimedes Unversity research contest. Furthermore, Alvaro got the best national score at the FPU fellowship program! We are proud of having you in lab Álvaro!!!! ﷯
2018 09
Our lab is named "LAB AECC" from the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (AECC), we are proud to be the first University research group and the first one outside Madrid and Barcelona to receive such recognition.
Francisco Mojica handed the "LAB AECC" recognition Diploma to Pedro Medina, our research group leader. Francisco Mojica and Emmanuelle Charpentier received the "V de Vida" Award for their role in the discoveries regarding CRISPR-Cas9 system and their applications for gene editing.
2018 09
Celebrating on September 24 the World Cancer Research Day togueter with the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (AECC).
We met in Madrid with young talents that were fellows in our lab to develop cancer research projects: Julia, Pablo, Juan and Leles to celebrate the world Cancer Research day with the AECC.
2018 09
Participating in the #PaintGold campaing, an initiative to support children suffering from cancer. https://cancerinfantil.org
2018 09
Our group outreaches its research in cancer in the cultural center "La Madraza". Please, visit this very interesting exposition.
2018 08 Joel from our lab is doing a research visit for 3 months in the laboratory of Professor Nicolas Locker in the Surrey University (UK). Good luck, Joel!!!
2018 07

Álvaro is doing a research visit at the laboratoy of Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics directed by Javier de Las Rivas at the Centro de Investigación del Cáncer of Salamanca.


2018 06 There is a new doctor in the world! Isabel has defended succesfully her thesis. Congrats Isa!!!
2018 05
Pedro Medina, interviewed by GranadaHoy newspaper as a former awardee in the X edition of the award "Andaluces del Futuro".
2018 04
Paola from our lab is doing a research visit for 6 months at the laboratory of Professor Frank Slack at Harvard University. Good luck, Paola!!!
2018 03

Thank you to Marta Cuadros for organizing the

"I Jornadas solidarias sobre Oncología Molecular" and to the rest of our labmates for volunteering.

100% of the funds of the inscription of this course is dedicated to a project developed by Aladina Charitable Foundation to improve the facilities of the pediatric oncology section of the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves.

2018 02

Judson Ellis from Brown University (RI, USA) starts his fellowship on our lab.

Wellcome Juson!

2018 02
Congrats to Álvaro Delgado that has been awarded with a PhD-fellowship from Special Research Programme of the University of Granada to develop a thesis in our lab.
2017 12
Congrats to Carlos Baliñas for the award to the best poster for the communication "BCL7A has a tumor suppressor role in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma" in the V Scientific meeting at GenyO. Well deserved!
2017 12
An unprecedented success of participation in the V Scientific meeting at GenyO that I had the pleasure to organize together with Vero Ramos and Antonio López-Escamez. Thanks to Dr. Manuel Serrano director of the Cellular Plasticity and Disease group at IRB for being our keynote speaker. Also, thank you to Dr. Alejo Chorny and Dr. Louisa Flintoft, editors of the high-impact journals JEM and Genome Biology respectively to share with us the point of view of the editorial-world. Thank you also for the outstanding work and talent of such amazing young researchers that we had the pleasure to have. Bravo! Thank you, thank you so much to all for making this happen.


We have been awarded in the Archimedes Unversity research contest. Congrats Alvaro!!
2017 12
2017 11
The Andalusian Society of Medical Oncology (SAOM) interviews to the head's of the gruop.
Frank Slack, professor at Harvard Medical School and director of the Institute for RNA Medicine visits our lab.
2017 11
2017 10
We presented our last research in 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer in Japan.
Head's of the group interviewed by GenteYold.com
2017 08
2017 06
Head's of the group awarded with the Young Investigator Award by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC.org).